Quit smoking/vaping Super Program

“Don’t expect to “feel” hypnotised. Trance is not about being zonked out. It is a normal, natural state. But do expect to feel Very Relaxed.”
Most people tried to quit cigarettes many times so, what happened?
~ It was too hard to deal with the withdrawal symptoms.
~ Could not handle the cravings.
~ Stopped smoking and started gaining weight?
~ Though one wouldn’t hurt – but did.
~ Had a stressful situation.
~ Had a social situation and a few drinks.

Using the hypnosis process eliminates the withdrawals that people generally attribute to nicotine and addresses all the other reason/excuses.
This is more than just Hypnotherapy. It is an advanced set of processes that removes a lot of the common reasons people fail, before they ever happen. NO CRAVINGS. NO WITHDRAWALS. Learning new ways to deal with old stresses. And many people lose weight and ‘springboard themselves into a healthier, happier lifestyle once they use this solution to quit cigarettes.

Our business is based on happy clients and referrals. Your success is our success. There is nothing else that compares to the effectiveness of this process. Patches, drugs and disappointments are things of the past.
96.7% success rate – Lifetime guarantee!

1st session – 2.5 hours – Free forever
And if any reason you need more help, or you start smoking cigarettes again, we will do a follow up session totally FREE of charge to help you be a non-smoker for good. That’s our commitment to you. We take your success very seriously.
Online hypnosis is also available, works just as well as in person.

What do you do now?
Simply call Brigitta on 0450 282 452 and make an appointment, keep the appointment, enjoy the process and become a non-smoker. Once you’ve booked your appointment, you will be sent a form to complete and then, during your appointment we will spend quite some time discussing your individual situation regarding your specific reasons for smoking. We will uncover those unconscious triggers and patterns and root cause of the habitual behavior. We will explain everything to you about the process and how it works and when you are ready to go ahead, it’s done. You will be guided through the very relaxing and pleasant advanced hypnosis process to become a non-smoker easily and permanently.
Contact me today and quit for good!

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